Proficiency in reading, writing and oracy is vital to the lifelong success of our pupils.
Our aim is for all pupils at Braywick Court School to develop the confidence and skill to express themselves verbally. Research has shown that high quality oracy education can positively impact academic outcomes, confidence, emotional wellbeing and equips pupils to thrive in life beyond school.
Pupils understanding of language should be developed and enhanced through speaking and listening skills. We create a language rich environment throughout our school, starting with the fundamentals of language acquisition and communication in EYFS, and progressing to skilful communication and articulation by Year 6.
At Braywick Court School we strive for pupils to be confident and effective writers. Our vision is for all pupils to express themselves creatively and imaginatively across all areas of the curriculum. Writing units are planned in accordance with the Braywick Court School text map, this outlines high quality texts which have been specifically chosen for each year group. The texts used are reviewed annually and are chosen to ensure a range of classic and modern literature, varied genres, a range of authors and exposure to culturally diverse literature. Writing units are planned and taught using a key text as a core thread. Throughout one unit of work pupils will produce varied writing outcomes covering a range of genres, audiences and purposes. Writing units also ensure that pupils have access and exposure to complementary texts that enhance, challenge or enrich the core text being studied. Pupils work towards published pieces of writing which can take various forms and are always shared with an audience.
Our approach to English in multi-faceted, ensuring that English knowledge and skills are taught and applied across the whole curriculum. High quality texts create a literature spine throughout the school, ensuring that our pupils have access to a diverse range of reading material and stimuli. The Braywick Court School curriculum aims to enable our pupils to become confident and independent learners with a passion to succeed and a curiosity for the world around them.