Learning about religion is a very important part of children’s education and as such, time is dedicated to this within our curriculum.

Religion is important in education for many reasons:

Religion underlies many of our beliefs about morals and values, even for people who don’t consider themselves to be religious. In addition, exploring religion can support children’s emotional and spiritual development. When living in a multicultural society such as the UK, learning about religions helps to encourage respect and understanding in school and in wider society.

Our RE curriculum has been carefully designed to link with our Inquiry Topics as often as possible, and to reflect our society and school community. Through a combinations of dedicated RE lessons, as well as our assembly programme our pupils learn about and learn from a range of world religions.

Children are encouraged to share their practices and beliefs with their peers. Here is Sami and his Dad who created a video all about Eid during Home Learning:

Classes celebrate a range of festivals from different religions. Here are some photos of  Year 3&4 learning about the Hindu festival of Holi:



NEW FOR 2022! We have regular trips planned to start this year to the local church, Gurdwara and Mosque.

RE Long Term Planning