School Meals

We encourage every child to have a healthy hot meal at school every day.

Harrisons Catering Services Ltd provide our pupils a freshly cooked meal every day from raw ingredients. All of our meals are prepared using fresh ingredients and provide as much variation and choice for the children as possible.


All  EYFS and Key Stage 1 children (Reception, Year 1 and 2) are entitled to a free lunch under the Universal Infant Free School Meal Programme, launched by the Government.

Any children in Key Stage 2 (Year 3, 4, 5 and 6) will need to pay for their meal at a cost of £2.57 per meal.

If your family receive; Income Support, Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Child Tax Credit plus an income below £16,190 or the Guarantee element of the State Pension Credit, your child(ren) may be eligible for Free School Meals. If you think your family may be eligible for Free School Meals please contact the office.

Our menus rotate on a three week cycle.

Ordering School Meals

All school meals need to be ordered in advance through your ScoPay account before midnight the previous day.




Our menus rotate on a three week cycle. All menus are created in consultation with pupils. Special dietary requirements can be accommodated for and we work with parents to ensure that a child’s particular needs are catered for.


Spring  Term 2024-25

Autumn term 2024-25