In April 2023, Braywick Court School was visited by an Ofsted inspector who was impressed by all aspects of life within the school.
The excellent approach to reading is at the centre of the school’s success right from the pre-school; it has been described by Ofsted as a “magic bullet for pupil’s success”, with the lead inspector noting that staff are experts in the teaching of early reading. The Headteacher’s love for reading translated also in the creation of a small community library in the entrance to the school. Writing and mathematics skills are also exceptionally well developed from the early years foundation stage so that pupils are well prepared for their learning journey.
Based on the edge of a nature reserve in Maidenhead, the school uses outdoor learning to compliment pupils’ experience of the curriculum. Their vision to create global citizens is enhanced by the extensive outdoor syllabus which starts in the pre-school, where children learn about healthy eating by growing vegetables in their allotment, and continues through each year group to develop a deep understanding and respect of the seasons, the plants, trees and wildlife.
The broad and rich curriculum is strengthen by specialist teachers who deliver Spanish and physical education from pre-school to Year 6. You can read the full Ofsted report on their website.
The Ofsted report highlighted: “The curriculum is exceptionally ambitious. It is designed to be exciting and interesting. In all subjects there is a clear sequence of learning. Children from the age of two, who enter the pre-school, benefit from a very well planned curriculum. […] Pupils enjoy a wide range of enrichment opportunities, including very many extra-curricular activities and trips. […] Teachers are proud to work in such an inspirational environment. They want pupils at this school to be well prepared for their future lives.”
Michelle Robertson, Headteacher said: “The Ofsted report is a real celebration of the journey we have been on as a school. It has taken years to craft our unique curriculum into what it is today. This outcome is also great recognition of the success we have achieved since Bray Pre-school joined Braywick Court in 2020. I’m delighted that this has shined through. We are very proud of our exceptional school community.”
In a recent survey, a parent said: “Braywick Court School is a brilliant child-focussed school. Leadership go above and beyond to ensure my child is completely catered for. Staff are clearly passionate about each individual child’s development. I couldn’t be more satisfied with the schools’ performance and feel extremely lucky that my child is able to attend this extraordinary institution.”
Mark Greatrex, BPET’s Chief Executive says: “We are delighted with the provision offered at Braywick Court School which clearly delivers our vision for a broad curriculum, taught in an exciting and engaging way for pupils in the Bray area. As we approach the tenth anniversary of its opening, the school is firmly established in the community, and a second Outstanding Ofsted grade is a real achievement for all the staff and pupils. Well done all!”