“Look smart, think smart”
We are really proud of our school uniform which is smart, durable and offers good value for money. We encourage all pupils to take pride in their appearance and we appreciate the cooperation of parents in maintaining our high standards of uniform.
A full uniform and equipment list is attached here: Uniform list and this information can also be found within our parent handbook.
We are proud to support our local community by working in partnership with Goyals of Maidenhead to proivde high quality school uniform. You can visit their store or order items online. Compulsory and branded items of uniform can be purchased from Goyals of Maidenhead.
Preloved Uniform
As a school community we really value a sustainable approach to school uniform. We have an extensive collection of preloved and 2nd hand uniform available which is managed by our PTA.
Contact them to enquire about individual stock or a uniform bundle.
Please email: BraywickPTA@braywickcourtschool.org.uk